Monday, January 19, 2009

Congratulations Matt & Penny

Wonderful news today - the birth of Isabella Grace - what a blessing to all! I got my "baby fix" today when I got to hold her for a little while - my babies are growing up too fast - miss the baby days but do enjoy where we are now too - Isabella is a beautiful baby and how thrilled her big brother is (not to mention the grandparents and Aunt). Soon enough she will be in the wagon of a horse :-) might be a little while but one day she will be there too...
How about a few horse pictures from the internet and I'll save the depths of my file pictures for another day. These are a few snow ones I have saved over the years - love the snowhorse - whoever had a terrific idea if it is yours - kudos! We just haven't had that much snow here to recreate our own yet... Hope you all stay warm ~ Lisa

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