Sunday, May 17, 2009

Next Month

So how can time fly by so quickly? Next month will be the show. Wow, been busy here to say the least. My parents were in for the weekend with my Grandma - nice treat for all of us. The weekend goes so fast and they are heading back already. Marlin is working on seats for the show to sell. Hopefully all will come together for him. I made them a few years back but my machine did not like the heavy duty sewing requirement and it was with alot of grief until the task was accomplished. Marlin thinks he has a plan "b" in the works so here's hoping... Reminder to Harold and Elaine - we would LOVE for you to come over for the week, weekend, day whatever you can do - the guest room is ready! Dragging out some pictures from last years show to keep the fever burning.... Take care all!



See you next month!
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