Sunday, June 28, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Thoughts and prayers to those that are still on their journey home. We are happy to have the horses back in their shed and the trailer parked. Saturday was a made to order day - nice breeze and lots of sun with bearable temperatures. Alas, we did not bring home the 854 from the raffle - congratulations to the winner - what a treat it would be to win a tractor! Our dear friends from Ohio have survived their first Wheel Horse show - now it should be easier to have them come back for the next one ;-) Harold brought a few in from his vast collection - the Reo and A-111 (neither for sale)


He had a third that was for sale and it was quickly snatched up before he could park the truck. Saw it for sale later in the day for more of course - good luck with that.... Lots of sales and trades going on hope everyone involved was satisfied with their deals.


All these pieces and parts combined with lots of effort and talent can (and do) end up to be true works of the heart.
Well, gotta get to gettin so take care and will post more pictures at another time.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day One

Let's see - hot, humid, breezy, busy, sunny, all in all fun.... Quite a nice variety of tractors this year as always. Will put a few of the pictures on with the promise of more to come :) See you tomorrow or at least will be taking pictures for you to see ~
A few views of the "Red Sea"

Some hopeful sellers ready to unload and alot are hoping for a win tomorrow!

Will be back with updates soon ~ Lisa

Sunday, June 21, 2009

So close :-)

Father's Day is winding down (Love you Dad!). One of the boys is asleep already - to much outside I guess.... The goofy cat is working on tearing yet another curtain (grrrrr) and I am thinking that by this time next week the show will just be another fun memory :-). It will be extra special this year since we have friends coming from Ohio to join us. Vacation time is ready and waiting for week end and plans are to get some of the horses washed off and ready for the show come Thursday. Weather forcast calling for a warmer weekend. Slight chance of scattered thunderstorms - the normal for summer.
Found a few pictures of Marlin's latest project which isn't getting too much attention these days. Hopefully come next year she will be ready for the show. Enjoy your week and see you next weekend. I will have to get to work on pictures to feed the blog.

Prayers to all for safe travel and a terrific weekend filled with stories, fellowship and perhaps a few deals.
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