Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Back with a few pictures

Time does fly - boys have been back to school for months! Don't have an excuse for not blogging but life does get busy. No news on the Wheel Horse front for our family. Thought I would put up a few pictures from the show. Hope you enjoy them -

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful fall we have been blessed with ~ before you know it we will be needing the snow blades...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

More pictures from June 2010 Wheel Horse Show

The brothers and some of their collection :D

These custom horses were created and made by Marvin:

And Alan created and made this custom High Horse:

Sometimes the excitement is just too much....

Hope you are having a wonderful summer. Ours is going by way too fast!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Another memory...

Sure goes fast - the 2010 show is now but a memory. Quite a warm weekend for everyone but thank goodness for the pop-up canopy! Posting a few random shots from the show. Will have more at another date.

Thank you again to my dear friends for coming in for the weekend making it extra special for us! Glad you made it home safe - put all the road problems far out of your mind so you come back again next year - the room will be waiting :D

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Couldn't Sleep

So last night I woke up at 2am and could not get back to sleep. Kept thinking about the show coming up and how much my hubby and his brothers enjoy going to it. Thought it is like Christmas time to a Wheel Horse lover. In thinking of Christmas I then thought of the Night Before Christmas poem and while trying to fall back asleep kept thinking of a Wheel Horse version - soooo this is what you get when I can't sleep and the show is right around the corner - hope it gives some of you a smile :D See you at the show! Prayers for safe travel to everyone too!

‘Twas the Night before

‘Twas the night before the Wheel Horse Show, when all through the house
Every creature was stirring , especially my spouse.

The horses were being loaded on the trailer with care,
In hopes that Elaine & Harold soon would be here.

The children had snuck right out of their beds,
While visions of winning raffles danced in Dad’s head.

The truck in the driveway was finally ready to go.
The tractors were polished they really did glow.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Marlin sprang from his chair to see what was the matter.

Away to the window he flew like a bat.
Tore open the curtains and yelled for his hat.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear
but a truck with a trailer and a D250 in the rear.

With a little ol’ driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment Uncle Ralph pulled a trick.

More Ford’s with horses,
The brothers they came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

“Now, Gary!, Now, Larry, now Mark, Marvin, and Alan,
get movin’ Marlin time no time to be yellin’

So up to the house the Fords they flew,
with trailers full of Wheel Horses and Uncle Ralph too.

And picking up his keys from down by his toes
and giving a nod into the truck Marlin rose!

Uncle Ralph sprang to his truck, to his nephews gave a whistle,
and away they all drove like they were shot from a missile.

But I heard them exclaim as they drove out of site,
“Happy Wheel Horse show ya ‘all, and to all a good-night! “

Monday, March 22, 2010

Yes, spring is finally here

After a long winter spring has arrived here in south central Pennsylvania. The beautiful weather over the weekend brought out the daffodils and alot of work for the boys and Marlin. Horses are still in their "shelter" but will soon be out. June show will be here before you know it - have to get the last of the parade pictures posted so here ya go...

Nice parade! So, how about a bonus here are some other pictures from the show. Hope you enjoy - won't be long now - June 25th and 26th (95 days)! We are hoping our friends from Ohio will be coming in again this year to make it extra special for us. Great show you gotta go but if you can't I will have pictures...

Until next time - stay safe ~ Lisa

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What else but parade and maybe a surprise too....

Sunny today and about 50 degrees - such a nice break in the middle of January! Marlin is out in the shed working on a tractor - not sure which one will have to see what is on the bench and take some pictures for a post on another day. For now I will put some more of the parade on :D

Now for that surprise - not only are Marlin and his brothers Wheel Horse enthusiast but they are also Ford men. Lots and lots of Fords in the family. I came across this video from 1924 featuring the Fordson Snow Devil made with a converted Fordson Tractor. It came from a site called Quite a machine for the time! Too bad they didn't have sound back then. Enjoy!
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